Computer Vision
HelloThing collects a wide range of consumer data through highly accurate facial recognition and body movements based on AI.
Marketing Effectiveness
• Distance from product
• Facial direction
• Dwell time at product / shelf
• Enter from left / right
• Emotional repsonse to
advertising or merchandising
• Mask Detection
• Age
• Gender
• Footfall
• Repeat / Loyal visitors
• Time of day
• Aisle activity
• Vehicle type
• Repeat vehicles through ANPR
HelloThing provides store owners a heartbeat relationship with their customers via granular reports to gain insight into consumer behavior across all geographies.

Store Layout & Efficiency
Footfall and dwell time data helps to determine efficient store layout by product.
Aisle analysis provides insight into time-of-day effectiveness with heatmap insights being gained in determining ‘product pick ups’ vs POS data.
Marketing Efficiency
Insights can be given to specific brands whereby emotional states of consumers can be determined when viewing the product.
Consumer “gaze time” v “product Pick-ups” can be compared to POS data based on total shopping time. HelloThing uses skeletal analysis to determine Pick-ups.
Gaze and dwell time can be used to optimize product placements.
All consumer data can be cross references against other store locations, geographies and public data sources (for example public holidays to better understand buying patterns and behaviors)

Artificial Intelligence
HelloThing facilitates the cross training of public and private data sources against the in-store consumer data.
. Realtime insights can be gained through external data sources, for example to determine if weather and traffic affect consumer behavior.
Private data such as POS and product SKU’s can be cross trained to determine merchandising or campaign effectiveness.